​A craft cigar company blending one of life's luxuries without the premium price.
Cigar 101
On this page you will find the tools to build your palate and discover a variety of useful cigar 101 facts.​
The ever-growing resources include cigar flavors, strengths, wrappers, sizes, shapes, and origins. The below page covers how to cut and light a cigar. Furthermore, you will find helpful hints to develop your palate.
What do I need to start smoking cigars?
We know there is a lot of information out there, and it can be overwhelming to know where to start.
What cigar should I smoke first?
Maybe you have a lighter and cigar cutter. You might even have a few cigars laying around that you’re not ready to smoke yet. Note: It's normal to ask, which one first?
Cigar Wrappers and Color
The variety of colors and shapes of cigars can be confusing if you are new to cigars, or consider yourself an afficionado. Check out our helpful guide to cigar wrappers and color.
A Cigar Rating System
Ever looked at one of those cigar scores and wondered, "how did they come up with that?" Us too! That's why we developed a simple rating system. Check it out below!
What is long ash, and how do I get it?
What is a cigar long ash, why is it important, and how do I get it?