​A craft cigar company blending one of life's luxuries without the premium price.
Our Mission: To blend cigars that the boldness of flavor out performs the strength of a cigar.
About Us
The Elevated Humidor has been crafting premium cigars ​since 2022 from our factory in Texas. Our core line includes 7 blends and 2 rotating limited edition blends released twice a year. Additionally, our lead blender has two private label blends available for local cigar shops, distilleries, breweries, and corporate cigars. Along those same lines we have several other cigars that have been blended and utilized for unbanded bundles that were crafted while blending our core line.
The majority of our cigars utilized the finest tobaccos sourced from around the world including Ecuador Habano, Sumatra Seed, Cameroon (natural and maduro), Dominican Criollo 98, and an emphasis on the Olor Dominicano. A new partner factory in Estelí, Nicaragua has provided access to Jalapa and Condega fillers, along with San Andrea Wrappers.
Our factory and aging room are located in Texas with industry partners with factories in Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua.
Living the Elevated Life!
It is our firm belief that every person deserves to live the elevated life! Whether it is picking up a cigar, mixing the perfect cocktail, or preparing a meal, it is our goal to help elevate the experience.
While enjoying one of life's luxuries, it is important to slow down and relax. It is why our locations section will include recommendations on outdoor set-ups, info on local lounges, and our favorite destinations around the country.
Here at The Elevated Humidor, we believe in cultivating life-long friendships. Some of our favorite cigars have been experienced among friends!
We invite you to follow our Facebook page, or request to join our private Facebook group to talk cigars, share recipes, and see where your cigar takes you!
Curated Cigars for Every Palate
The Elevated Humidor is focused on curating a unique blend of cigars for our members. Each month will feature a new assortment of cigars from the brands you know and those yet discovered.
The Elevated Humidor offers subscription boxes to keep your humidor full, a cigar of the month club, and the opportunity to shop for a variety of brands from our humidor.
Elevated Events
Keep an eye out on our home page or follow us on Facebook and Insta to learn about our local events that include cigars, food, and amazing drinks (cocktails, bourbon, and coffee).